Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So the Iraq invasion was all about oil right?

Read this then.


  1. I for one never thought the war in Iraq "was all about oil." I have always thought that explanation was a bit too simple.

    I suspect it was more about international hubris . . . the drive to act because the US "could" - ignorning the complications and devastation of actual war beyond the theory.

    Even Colin Powell and Bush's father recognized that messy major tidbit as did scores of generals (some of which were summarily discharged from the effort). But part-time fly-boy and pretend cowboy Bush always thought he knew best . . . and apparently thought God was calling him to act (guess it was just Dick Cheney in hindsight).

    Still, having said all that, you should at least acknowledge the oil-producing capacity in Iraq in 2007 was actually lower than the pre-war production levels and thousands of barrels below the production levels of prior to the Kuwait invasion.

    So these statistics on levels of oil imported to the US from Iraq don't begin to recognize the "potential" supply that could be provided . . . if it weren't for that pesky war, infrastructure devastation, and internal political strife. So an argument could be still be made that opening up a new reliable source of oil was one of the "wishful" thinking considerations in launching the invasion.

  2. A small group of neoconservatives with the help of the Israel Lobby launched the war on Iraq. All ideology.

  3. It might not have been about 'oil' but it certainly was about petro-dollars. Before 2003 Iraq attempted to receive oil payments in Euros instead of US dollars.

